Frequently Asked Questions
What are the terms of participation?
- All data collected through this form will be used for research purposes only.
- The collected data will be anonymized to protect participant privacy.
Data Security
- All collected data is encrypted and stored on a secure server.
- Access to the data is restricted to authorized researchers who have completed human subject training or authorized by the principal investigators.
Anonymity in Research and Publication
When used in research and academic publications or presentations, all data will be anonymized.
Opting Out
- Participants may opt out of this survey at any point.
- To opt out, simply close the survey without submitting your answers. Your responses will not be saved.
Participant Rights and Concerns
If you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact: Chairman of the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects M.I.T., Room E25-143B 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 1-617-253 6787 By participating in this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy policy.
What happens to my data?
We anonymize and collect your survey responses and your conversation with your future self for further research to improve Future You.
How accurate is Future You?
Future You cannot predict specific details about your future life–rather, it aims to paint a vivid and realistic picture of what your future life could be like. Our goal is to help illuminate future pathways that may otherwise seem ambiguous, uncertain, or unclear.
Why doesn’t my future self seem like me?
The conversation with the future self is generated in real-time via a large language model that has been personalized based on a pre-intervention survey assessing user future goals and personal qualities. Therefore, its responses are largely dependent on both its foundational model and the data collected in the pre-intervention survey. We recommend being as detailed as possible in the initial survey for the best possible experience.
Why is my future self so positive?
Future You aims to help people feel more motivated and confident in making long-term decisions. The tool is designed to aid exploration of aspirations, so users can connect more deeply with the positive possibilities in their futures.
Is this tool right for me?
Future You is an intervention grounded in empirical and theoretical research on the benefits of future self-continuity as it relates to improvements in long-term thinking, academic performance, financial savings, and mental health and wellbeing. The primary goal of this project is to support reflection on future paths. Read more about our research in our preprint article, linked here.
What’s next for Future You?
We’re looking to improve the platform and to partner with institutions who share our mission of supporting young people in envisioning their futures. To learn more about ways you can get involved, email us at